How has the quality movement in maternal healthcare in India evolved, and what impact has it had on reducing maternal an | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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The quality movement in maternal healthcare in India has evolved through a focus on improving both access and the standard of care provided to mothers. Initially, efforts and initiatives aimed at expanding healthcare services, particularly in rural areas, by ensuring that pregnant women had access to medical facilities. Over time, the focus shifted towards enhancing the quality of care, emphasising skilled attendance during childbirth, better antenatal and postnatal services, and increased availability of essential healthcare resources.

This evolution has included strengthening healthcare systems, improving training for healthcare professionals, and ensuring that care is more patient-centred and culturally appropriate. Through various collaborative initiatives The aim has been to ensure that mothers receive not only timely medical attention but also high-quality care that can prevent complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

The impact of these efforts has been notable in reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. With more attention given to the quality of care during pregnancy and childbirth, fewer mothers and infants are lost to preventable causes. This improvement reflects the importance of focusing not just on providing services but ensuring those services meet high standards of care, ultimately contributing to healthier outcomes for both mothers and newborns.


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